Animals are just pure light and pure love, they are part of the Angelic realm. They respond to energy work quickly and with a grateful heart. Like humans they come with certain missions, even if it means they travel a harder path. Their paths are intertwined with humans to teach and to also learn. They will review their life when they cross over just as we will review our life. They will see and feel what they brought to your life and what you brought to theirs. They will learn about the sacrifices you made for them or didn't make. Animals act as a reflection back of our love.
Sometimes our animal friends can become un-grounded just like humans. Animals who are un-grounded are fearful, skittish and just lacking confidence in their being. When I ground an animals energy, they become more confident and owning their space in this world. I clear animals the same way I clear humans but it doesn't seem to take as long because their energies are open and not resistant to the light/love energies coming in.
Animals that are adopted from shelters are very much in need of a clearing. Abandonment, abuse, and lack of love and commitment can leave an animal's energy field depleted and un-grounded. After adoption, I would definitely recommend a clearing session so their energies can blend more easily with your energies. All animals big and small are invited for a clearing.
Please read on the testimonial pages of clients that have left feedback about their experiences with an animal energy session.